Saturday, October 30, 2010

Water / Water /Water /Water

Uganda is one of the largest water-rich countries in Africa, the Nile comes from Uganda and Lake Victoria is also one of the largest lakes in the world. Unfortunately, the Ugandan government did not take advantage of this wealth so far , set up projects to deliver water to all areas. And residents of the north face big problems in this context, the biggest problem is , understanding the suffering of children , are forced to fetch water every day to the house, cut off approximately two kilometers to bring water.

I think one of the major problems that will face in the future on a global scale is water.

Photo taken in northern Uganda, where the local population is suffering to access water


African women suffer widespread suffering, she works at home and in the field, and the market and suffer illiteracy and ignorance in some areas, men can gt married to dozens of women and he do not commit to any responsibility towards them,
I believe that the African women and the fight against a great woman and very effective is the real gate to build the community in Africa, what do you think ?

المرأة الافريقية تعاني معاناة واسعة ، فهي تعمل في البيت والحقل والسوق وتعاني الامية والجهل ويتزوج الرجل في بعض المناطق بعشرات النساء ولا يلتزم بأي مسؤلية تجاههن ،
في اعتقادي ان المرأة الافريقية امرأة عظيمة ومكافحة وفعالة جدا وهي البوابة الحقيقية لبناء المجتمع في افريقيا ، ما رأيكم

أفقر شعوب العالم world's poorest people

تعد أفريقيا واحدة من أغنى القارات .لكن لللأسف شعبها من أفقر شعوب العالم
الصورة التقطها في قرية صغيرة قرب نبع النيل في جنجا أوغندا
Africa is one of the richest continents , Unfortunately, its people R one of the world's poorest people .

: Photo taken in a small village near the spring, the Nile in Jinja, Uganda

Innocent child

over five million people have died during the past decade as a result of the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Few people are aware of the unimaginable scale of human suffering, death, and destruction that has occurred in this vast country deep in the heart of Africa. In the aftermath of this brutal war, children have endured the brunt of the suffering , and still

African children

a lot of African children remains critical in the countries of the continent Bas
Despite the difference in the black social factors, economic and cultural
And natural disasters, and the burden of population and still continues kidnapping children
And the sale and use them as human shields in armed conflict and forced
To fight alongside infected with some deadly diseases like AIDS and exposure
Thousands of them every day at risk of starvation and lack of maturity of the child's physical and muscle
And other challenges facing the African Child ...

When is it time to end the suffering of the African Child, both of malnutrition
And the absence of school and early employment, or kidnapping, rape and exploitation ?

وضع الكثير من الاطفال الافارقة ما زال حرجا فى بعص بلدان القارة
السوداء رغم تباين العوامل الاجتماعية و الاقتصادية و الثقافية
و الكوارث الطبيعية و الاعباء السكانية و مازال مستمرا خطف الاطفال
و بيعهم و استخدامهم كدروع بشرية فى النزاعات المسلحة و اجبارهم
على القتال الى جانب اصابتهم ببعض الامراض القاتلة مثل الايدز و تعرض
الالاف منهم يوميا لخطر المجاعات و عدم نضج الطفل البدنى و العضلى
و غيرها من التحديات التى تواجه الطفل الافريقى ...

متى يحين الوقت لآنهاء معاناة الطفل الآفريقى سواء من سوء التغذية
و غياب المدرسة و العمالة المبكرة او الخطف و الاغتصاب و الاستغلال